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Donnerstag, 16. März 2017

A world first Mirror Dinghy kits to be CNC cut in South Africa

Mirror Dinghy news:

At the 2013 Mirror Worlds held on Lough Derg, N. Ireland, South African's Ryan & Michaela Robinson where crowned World Champions!
Lough Derg Yacht Club in Dromineer, North Tipperary, hosted the 2013 Mirror World Sailing Championship, the first world sailing championship to be held on the inland waters of Ireland.

I note that the South African world champions won in the plywood / epoxy version of the Mirror Dinghy class, well done to both of you!

Note, both the Ply/Epoxy and the GRP boats need to have a minimum weight of 45.5 kgs, so there is no difference between either.  Corrector weights to 3.0kg are allowed, once placed and fixed at the thwart, they are marked and become part of the boats measurement certificate.

Unknown to myself, I was informed only yesterday that when we start CNC cutting our Mirror Dinghy kits we will become the fist such company or person to such a thing.

What a privilege!


See also

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